Activity Week - Ragitoto Island
It was the Third of Activity Week and I was excited. I was told that it was gonna be long. When we arrived at Britomart it was crowded with a lot business people crowding the entrance.
While we raced across the road to the get to the Fairy I realised that I forgot my blue Reliever, I then started to walk slow and walk calm. When we took a Seat I got scared that if I walk or run to much I would have a Asthma Attack, So I walk nice and slow.
When we hopped on the Fairy it took a few minutes to take off. At first I started to get a headache, but it took few minutes to clear. When we Arrived the ground was very rocky. St Peters colleges as well. While we were walking I could feel that I was going to slow the rest of the school down.
As we kept going it started to get stepper and stepper and I could hardly Breathe. I got told to stay and wait for the people behind as I waited I could hear a lot different birds sounds that I've never heard.
When They reached up to me I felt fit so we ran up and until we reached the top it was a long way up but it was a faster way down it was really fun.
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Activity Week - Kayaking
Tuesday 3 December
Activity Week - Kayaking
Yes Finally it happening I said excitedly to myself, It was first time going to activity week and I was Excited, A lot of students were very happy they could hardly stop talking. As we Arrived at Orakei basin I could see the Kayak instructors unpacking the kayaks.
My first activity was to walk around Orakei basin. By the time I got to the steps I could see half-way that students were puffing out including me. I was a long way but eventually we got to the end. Once we reached our destination everyone was puffed and could hardly move.
As we waited and waited for the Year 7 Students to come out we had a talk about next years leaders. But when they came out we all jump and celebrated like we won the lotto. When we got there we had to do some instructions for the Kayaks.
When we hopped in the kayaks a lot of students fell out, I started laughing my head off. As the day went on I started to become a natural and everyone was jealous. When we came out It was freezing. It was so cold I started shivering like a Chihuahua. I had a lot of fun and I wish to do it again some time soon.
Activity Week - Kayaking
Yes Finally it happening I said excitedly to myself, It was first time going to activity week and I was Excited, A lot of students were very happy they could hardly stop talking. As we Arrived at Orakei basin I could see the Kayak instructors unpacking the kayaks.
My first activity was to walk around Orakei basin. By the time I got to the steps I could see half-way that students were puffing out including me. I was a long way but eventually we got to the end. Once we reached our destination everyone was puffed and could hardly move.
As we waited and waited for the Year 7 Students to come out we had a talk about next years leaders. But when they came out we all jump and celebrated like we won the lotto. When we got there we had to do some instructions for the Kayaks.
When we hopped in the kayaks a lot of students fell out, I started laughing my head off. As the day went on I started to become a natural and everyone was jealous. When we came out It was freezing. It was so cold I started shivering like a Chihuahua. I had a lot of fun and I wish to do it again some time soon.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Manaiakalani Hoyt's Cinemas
Thursday 14 November 2013
Manaiakalani Movies
Ring Ring went the bell, everyone rushed out of the courts to line up. Everyone was excited including me. As we were flooding into the bus, the bus started to get crowded and their was no where to sit only to stand. All you could here was kids talking about Sylvia park and how cool it was.
Once we arrived everyone was itching to get out of the bus. We saw lots of schools crowding in to the entrance. The cinema was pack and dark we could hardly see our seats. “Wow that was awesome”I said to myself, everyone was laughing like their was no tomorrow. My favourite was friends that was so funny.
All the Video were a huge success and amusing at the same time. Everyone including me was having a excellent and amusing. Those movies were so funny the whole cinema was laughing I had a wonderful time at Hoyt's Cinemas Manaiakalani Movies.
Friday, November 8, 2013
Hold on son we are almost their, yelled out Peytons Dad, as he ask him for the tenth time. Peyton, his older Darren and their father, went on a father and sons day out to get away from the girls. They all went for a tramp in the woods. They were all having a good time playing walking and teasing.
Everthing was fine until they reached a fork they were confused and didn’t know what path to take. Peyton started to get worried he didn’t see anyone around. The Dad then stood up and agreed on Peyton and Darren sticking together. As he left Peyton started to get shaky and cold Darren then rapped his arms around Peyton and convinced him that their father would come back.
While it got darker and darker Darren then started to get worried, he then started shaking. Every things going to be alright he said everythings going to be alright. Then Darren popped up lifted Peyton up and walking along.
He almost stumbled up the first hill but he hung on. As they kept walking Darrens eyes could hardly open but when he finally open his eyes wide he just saw a light. He quickly limpt towards the light feeling like he won a medal. Once he reached the light he didn't see his dad. So Darren asked a stranger to keep an eye on Peyton
Once it reached dusk he could hardly see the path but he just kept go. Once he reached the beginning of the fork he looked for the one that his dad went through but he could hardly see the four paths. When he saw the path his dad went on he quickly ran down it like it was his school athletics. Soon he reached the end of the path saw his father on the ground shaking.
Darren tried his hardest to pull him up to his shoulders, he tried everything but he was just not strong enough. As Peyton woke up from his little rest he thought he would have woke up with Darren and there Dad but no it was couple of strangers. He was to death he didn't know what was going on but he just went with it.
It was almost morning and they still didn't come out he started to get scared, “what's going to happen to them” he thought to himself. Once he gave up hope on them, Peyton suddenly heard a cough from the forest “yessss” he said joyfully. As they got their dad back to their house everything went back to normal.
Communion Of Saints
St Joseph St Anthony St Mary St Pius X
Of Padua
Testing Week
Friday 8 November 2013
This Week Me and Room 7 have had there testing week. It was a bit challenging then I thought it was very hard. On Monday we had our Star Test which I think I did a little good, On Tuesday we had Maths Which was I think was a good test, On Thursday we had Reading which was also good, Today(Friday)Writing Which I think I did good but not good enough and we also had spelling test which I did good in.
It was a excellent testing week we all were pushed to the limits.
This Week Me and Room 7 have had there testing week. It was a bit challenging then I thought it was very hard. On Monday we had our Star Test which I think I did a little good, On Tuesday we had Maths Which was I think was a good test, On Thursday we had Reading which was also good, Today(Friday)Writing Which I think I did good but not good enough and we also had spelling test which I did good in.
It was a excellent testing week we all were pushed to the limits.
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Spanish Prensentation
This Year Room 7 have been Studying on 5 countries in Europe. Germany,Italy,Greece,United Kingdom and Spain her is some facts about Spain.
Spanish Script
Facts about our Country Spain:
- The spanish name for Spain is Espanol.
- The currency used in Spain is Euro.
- In Spain they drive on the right-hand side of the road.
- Mount Teide is the highest mountain in Spain.
- The Pyrenees is a mountain which divides Spain and France.
- Football is the most popular sport in Spain. But in N.Z we call it soccer.
- Spain was also not part of the first and second world war.
- Spanish people love to sing and dance. The most famous type of music in Spain is “Flamenco”.
- The Patron Saint of Spain is Saint James Santiago.
- Geography
Spain is a country located in Southwestern Europe. The spanish mainland is bordered to the South and East almost entirely by the Mediterranean Sea. Spain is also the second largest country in Western Europe
- Climate
In Spain there are three main climates. One, The Mediterranean Sea Climate characterized by dry and warm summers. Second, The Semiarid Climate. The semiarid climate is located in southeastern quarter of Spain. In contrast to the mediterranean sea climate, the dry season extends beyond the summer. Lastly, The Oceanic Climate. Oceanic climate is located in the north quarter of the country. In contrary to the mediterranean sea climate, winter and summer temperatures are influenced by the ocean.
Animals - Maxine
- The LYNX:
The Lynx has a short tail. It has black hair at the top of its ears and has large paws for walking on snow and it also has long whiskers on it face.
The lynx is usually solitary although a small group of lynx may travel and hunt together.
Although this cat hunts on the ground, it can climb trees and can swim swiftly catching fish.
- The Brown Bear:
The Brown bear in spanish is known as “Oso pardo Cantabrico”. They live in the Cantabrian Mountains of Spain. They are an amazing native creature in Spain. They have been in Spain for many years. The best place to spot “Brown Bears” is in the Cantabria National Park. The main diet of brown bears are berries, roots, sprouts and fungi. But they do not stop there they will hunt
Language - Zheiyna
Greet each other in Spanish and have a small convo saying
Lead Speaker Zheiyna:
Zheiyna - Hola me llamo Zheiyna. Como sellamóo?
Maxine-Hola me llamo Maxine,
Isaiah- Buenos Dias Me llamo Isaiah,
Salamona- Me llamo Salamona
Pauliasi- Me llamo Pauliasi
Sione To’a- Me llamo Sione To’a
Zheiyna - Como Esta ?
ALL: Estoy Bien, Gracias
Zheiyna - Mucho Gusto, Adiós
ALL: Adiós
Then we all translate:
Translation -
Zheiyna - Hello my name is Zheiyna. What’s yours?
Maxine - Hello my name is Maxine
Isaiah- My name is Isaiah
Salamona- My name is Salamona.
Pauliasi- My name is Pauliasi
Sione To’a- My name is Sione To’a.
Zheiyna- How are you guys?
ALL: Good, Thank you
Zheiyna- Nice to meet you, Bye
ALL: Bye
People - Zheiyna & Maxine
- People In Spain
The Appearance of a Spanish person is depending on the gender. Most female have black or brown hair colour with black or brown eye colour which is also the same as Spanish men, but only SOME of them have green eye colour.
Spanish people are naturally shorter than other nationalities.
Food - Sione To’a
- Food In Spain
In Spain they have two traditional dishes. One of them is the “tortilla espanol”. In english it is known as an Spanish Omelette. It is made from thick egg omelette made with potatoes and fried in olive oil.
The second traditional dish is called “Paella”.Paella is a rice dish from Spain that has become very popular and is known around the world. Paella came from a little region called Valencia in eastern Spain. They prepared the dish with whatever ingredients that were there including rabbits, snails and vegetables.
Festivals/Celebration - Isaiah
- Festivals and Celebrations in Spain
In Spain there are three main Festivals they celebrate.
Also known as part of the La Tomatina Festival:
Every year around August, 30.00 people descend to the spanish town called BUNOL to throw more than 240,000 pounds of tomatoes at each other as part of the - “LA TOMATINA FESTIVAL”.
* The second one is - BULLFIGHTING:
Bullfighting is a traditional spectacle of Spain. They are killed in the bullring for the entertainment of the audience. The bull is not an aggressive anima, the reason why they are angry and want to attack or charge the matador in the bullring is mainly because he has been abused for two days.
So when he is let out of the box, he runs desperately at the light at the end of the tunnel.
Government of Spain:
Spain is a lawful kingdom whose government is defined by the organisation of Spain. This was approved by a general survey of the people of Spain in 1978. The final interpretation of the constitution, in the case of arguments, is the business of the constitutional court of Spain.
Constitutional- is relating to an established set of principles governing a state.
Monarchy- is a state that has a monarch.
Referendum- is a general vote by the electorate on a single political question that has been referred to them for a direct decision.
Interpretation- is an explanation or a way of explaining.
Dispute- is a disagreement, argument, or a debate.
Organisation- The action of organizing something.
Constitution- The composition of something.
Monday, September 16, 2013
The Iberian Wolf
The Iberian Wolf
Around the 1970’s the Wolfe were known as a pest in Spain, The government would always pay people to kill wolfs.At the time, many saw the wolf as a mark of a Third World country, in contrast to ‘civilized' nations like France and Britain who had successfully eradicated their wolf plaguesFriday, September 13, 2013
Going Bananas: Book Review By Bill Nagelkerk
This Week I have been reading a book called Going Bananas
So far this has been a great book it is embarrassing and funny at the same time.
Here is a Book review that I have wrote about on the book.
Friday 13 September 2013
Choose a word to describe your book. Funny
Title: Going Bananas Author: Bill Nagelkerke
Date started: 9/09/13 Date finished:%
What was the book about?
So far In this story how Reuben’s Dad sends him and his little brother Matt to the mall to get some Bananas then the father give Reuben extra pocket money to buy them to something .Reuben thinks that his little brother Matt ruins everything like at home, at the mall and at the magic show. Reuben has been telling his little Brother Matt to get lost so a lot of times, and then Matt does.
What did you like about the book?
How on the way to the mall,Matt (little Brother) jumps in a puddle and all the water goes onto his brother.
What was your favourite part of the book?
How Matt Finally get’s the Purple Monster that he always wanted from the crane machine, because ages ago he use to go with his mother to try get it before she past out.
How many stars would you give this book? Colour the stars.
(5 – Excellent, 1 – Poor
Thursday, September 12, 2013
5 Facts about Italy In The World War II
This Week I have been reading a book called The Matchbox
Here are some facts Italy around World War II:
1.The Italian Navy was the most powerful in the Mediterranean when Italy entered the war, but they received a crippling blow from the British at Taranto Harbor. Also, the British Navy controlled Matla, Alexandria, and Gibraltar, and the Italian Navy was under direct orders from Mussolini not to look for fight the British Navy
2. Benito Mussolini and the Fascist Party ruled Italy since 1922. The Italian King Victor Emmanuel II remained as a firgurehead, much like Hirohito in Japan.
3. Italy formed an alliance with Nazi Germany before the war, and they were later joined by Japan.
4.Italy invaded Greece from puppet state of Albania in 1941. The invasion faltered, and Germany invaded Greece through Yugoslavia to help Italy. Later, Italian and German forces fought in Yugoslavia and Russia, and German forces were sent to help Italy in North Africa and the Mediterranean.
5. The Italian Navy was the most powerful in the Mediterranean when Italy entered the war, but they received a crippling blow from the British at Taranto Harbor. Also, the British Navy controlled Matla, Alexandria, and Gibraltar, and the Italian Navy was under direct orders from Mussolini not to look for fight the British Navy.
Here are some facts about Italy back in the time of War.
Thank you for Listening.
Here are some facts Italy around World War II:
1.The Italian Navy was the most powerful in the Mediterranean when Italy entered the war, but they received a crippling blow from the British at Taranto Harbor. Also, the British Navy controlled Matla, Alexandria, and Gibraltar, and the Italian Navy was under direct orders from Mussolini not to look for fight the British Navy
2. Benito Mussolini and the Fascist Party ruled Italy since 1922. The Italian King Victor Emmanuel II remained as a firgurehead, much like Hirohito in Japan.
3. Italy formed an alliance with Nazi Germany before the war, and they were later joined by Japan.
4.Italy invaded Greece from puppet state of Albania in 1941. The invasion faltered, and Germany invaded Greece through Yugoslavia to help Italy. Later, Italian and German forces fought in Yugoslavia and Russia, and German forces were sent to help Italy in North Africa and the Mediterranean.
5. The Italian Navy was the most powerful in the Mediterranean when Italy entered the war, but they received a crippling blow from the British at Taranto Harbor. Also, the British Navy controlled Matla, Alexandria, and Gibraltar, and the Italian Navy was under direct orders from Mussolini not to look for fight the British Navy.
Here are some facts about Italy back in the time of War.
Thank you for Listening.
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Facts about Ginetta - The MatchBox
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Maths Learning
I have learnt how to work out fraction of a set problems/Equations.
For example -
C. Rebecca ate two pieces of the apple pie, what fraction of the pie did she eat?
Rebecca has $25 and she gave ⅖ of her money to her sister.
How much does she got left?
5 x 5=$25
1/5 of $25 = $5
2/5 of $25 = 10
5 x 2=$10
Answer - 15
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Maths Equation/Problems
Maths Problems.
A) He sells 1/4 of his 72 cows. Show how to work out how many cows he sells?
1/2 of 72=36
1/2 of 36=18
B) He sells 1/2 of his 45 pigs. Show how to work out how many pigs he sells?
1/3 of 45=15
I counted in 15s upto 45.
C) He sells 1/6 of his 84 sheep. Show how to work out how many sheep he sells.
1/6 of 84 =14
6x 84 =14
A) He sells 1/4 of his 72 cows. Show how to work out how many cows he sells?
1/2 of 72=36
1/2 of 36=18
B) He sells 1/2 of his 45 pigs. Show how to work out how many pigs he sells?
1/3 of 45=15
I counted in 15s upto 45.
C) He sells 1/6 of his 84 sheep. Show how to work out how many sheep he sells.
1/6 of 84 =14
6x 84 =14
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Evaluation Term 3 Week 1
Friday 2 August
This week was a happy week and as well as a sad one. This week was one of the best learning weeks this year. I have got to focus properly and I haven't been distracted by my friends that much. I have also learnt something about an information report writing which has a structure and language features.
This week was a happy week and as well as a sad one. This week was one of the best learning weeks this year. I have got to focus properly and I haven't been distracted by my friends that much. I have also learnt something about an information report writing which has a structure and language features.
Report Writing - Cross Country At St Pius x Catholic school
Report Writing - Cross Country
At St Pius x Catholic school they had their Cross Country. All the children of St Pius were all gathered in the tennis court. Cross Country is a School event where children runs along way to come 1,2,3,4,5. All the children were seated in their own age groups.
Those kids were as they zoomed past the finish line, All the Kids were huffing and puffing once they ran up the driveway. As they marked their scores and places they walked back to the courts with heads and water dripping down from their faces.
Friday, August 23, 2013
Cross Country
Report Writing - Cross Country
At St Pius x Catholic school they had their Cross Country. All the children of St Pius were all gathered in the tennis court. Cross Country is a School event where children runs along way to come 1,2,3,4,5. All the children were seated in their own age groups.
Those kids were as they zoomed past the finish line, All the Kids were huffing and puffing once they ran up the driveway. As they marked their scores and places they walked back to the courts with heads and water dripping down from their faces.
Friday, August 2, 2013
Book Review - Albert Einstein and his Inflatable Universe
Choose a word to describe your book. Wonderful
Title:Albert Einstein and his Inflatable Universe Author:Dr Mike Goldsmith
Date started:29/7/13 Date finished:
What was the book about?
This story so far is about Albert Einstein and his life. Alberts First school was Peters School there were over two thousand pupils in the school, there were about seventy in Albert class. Albert Einstein is the genius who created e=mc2 equation. Albert Einstein is one of the brainiest scientist in history But did you know that Alberts life was almost as wild as his hair? Not only was Albert expelled from school, but he was spied on by the Nazis and the FBI after he died, he had his brain removed. Yes, even though he's dead, Alberts life is full of surprises.
What did you like about the book?
When Albert Einstein conquered time.
What was your favourite part of the book?
When Albert Einstein conquered time without him we wouldn't have the time right now.
How many stars would you give this book? Colour the stars.
(5 – Excellent, 1 – Poor)

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